Good morning from Xian, China. It is 3:30am and we are wide awake! Sarah Jane is my blogging buddy this morning, Sofie is asleep (lucky girl) and June is organizing the smallish hotel room. There is no amount of organizing that can overcome a small living space such as this. We have our 'grocery store' on one side, the 'girls play area' on another, we pushed the two full mattresses to make 'super bed' and that leaves enough room to walk to the bathroom. It's working.
Yesterday was a full day. We tried to stay busy after the official appointments but sleep hit us pretty hard. That is why we are up at 3:30a waiting for breakfast buffet to open. Sofie had a good day but she is missing her foster parents and home in a bad way. She will sometimes have cry moments but June is great and just holds and comforts her until she can push through the moment. It's tough seeing her grieve, but it's understandable.
Sarah Jane has been a great big sister. She makes sure she holds Sofie's hand, explains what's going on, and basically try to comfort her the best she can. It's really cute and Sofie is happy to go along.
Today we will take a tour of the Terra-cotta Warriors. As I said in the blog during the last trip, it's like Disney meets archaeology on a vast scale. Think Chinese Epcot without the rides. The best part is that it has a Subway Sandwich shop. Oh and yesterday for lunch we had Pizza Hut. It tasted so good! Having said that, I have officially given up eating native. It was a valiant effort, but now I'm jonesing for french fries, bananas, snickers, etc... Anything that's either prepackaged or identifiable as a happy food. This local cuisine will make your tummy say, "hmmmm", not in a good way.
We have visited the local Walmart three times now. Well worth the long walk but they don't like to give you bags to carry your stuff. What's up with that? On the way back, we were able to see our first police scene with a passed out guy laying in the middle of the street. So, we watched. Anything for entertainment.
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