Friday, November 18, 2016

On to Guangzhou

We have checked Xian off the list and flew to the southern city of Guangzhou. We are happy to move on to the next step in the adoption process but are sad to leave the birthplace of both our daughters, Baoji City/Xi'an. However, the smog was out of control and it was making a lot of folk in the group sick. Time to go.
Foster family
My Girls We were so happy to see a bunch of American families adopting children when we went to the hotel breakfast. They were from all over the USA and from various backgrounds. It was so encouraging to see so many adopt these children. Did I mention that the breakfast buffet was huge... and western cuisine friendly? Loved it. So, on to the hospital. You truly need to visit a Chinese hospital to appreciate what we have back home. They seemed professional and courteous, but there is a notable difference in clinical atmosphere. Sofie did great! They checked her vitals, ENT, a physical and then she had blood drawn. What a trooper. Our guide, Helen, was a barracuda and got us through the intimidating process quickly and efficiently. We let Helen lead the way and we stayed close behind in her wake. She gets stuff done.
Claire and Sofie at Hospital
Sofie and SJ at the Chen Temple We then went to a crazy crowded mall and bought some shoes for Sofie and other stuff we needed. The shoe brand is hilarious, "Disweiny". Take the "wei" out and it is a dead ringer for Micky & Co. I'm sure trademark law is soft down here. But, they are cute. So many people stuffed in that mall, cutting in line, pushing, shoving... It got to me and I decided no one is cutting in front of me anymore. A man has his limits. So, it was dinner time and there was a McDonalds around the corner. Claire and I went to get a couple Happy Meals for the kids but were headed off by no less than 100 people in line. It was nuts. Chinese apparently love the Micky D's. We said no and moved on to the friendly Starbucks in the hotel. It was a good end to the night.